Friday 23rd September - Update

Dear parents and carers,

Our weekly news update will now continue as usual following the national mourning period for Queen Elizabeth II.

The first three weeks seem to have flown by! It is wonderful to see the children settled into their new classes and embracing school life. We warmly welcome you to visit during our Meet the Teacher afternoon (please see details below). As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please just let us know and we will do our best to answer and support.

Meet the Teacher

The new date for our Meet the Teacher afternoon is Wednesday 28th September at 3:30pm. This is a brilliant opportunity to pop in, visit your child/children’s classroom, and say hello to our teaching staff. We really look forward to seeing you!

Please note that for reception up to year 6, you will need to enter via our main reception (the school office). For Little Winners and Little Stars, we will greet you at the entrance to the nursery building. Any questions, then please just ask.

Winshill Childcare will continue to run after-school provision on this day, however, netball, ICT games and book club will be cancelled on this day to enable teaching staff to participate in the event.

Memorial Garden

All of the children have been busy designing and painting their own pebble in memory of Queen Elizabeth II. We will be planting a beautiful rose named ‘Elizabeth’ in our school courtyard, where the children will place their pebble. We will share pictures of our special memorial garden when it is finished. You will also have the opportunity to see during parents’ evening in October.

School Reception Entrance Closure

We are due to have a new reception (school office) door on Monday 26th September. This means access to the school office will be closed from 9am. We should hopefully have access by the end of the school day. Please be reassured that our telephone lines will remain open and should you need to visit school, we will greet you at a different entrance.

Children coming to breakfast club will still be able to enter through the reception door as any work will not be started until after 9am.

Family Read Event

Our first family read event is due to take place on Tuesday 4th October in the afternoon. More information will be shared next week.

Stars of the Week

Year 1: Leo and Ayana

Year 2: Erin and Jayden

Year 3: Ethan and Mila

Year 4: Emelie and Stanley

Year 5: Olivia and Eva

Year 6: Dougie and Maci

Headteacher Award: Eva and Kacey May

Congratulations to all of our stars and thank you to family for joining us in our special assembly.

Gemma Claxton