Welcome to Year 2

Hello and welcome to Year 2,

We have a brilliant year ahead of us and I cannot wait to see how much progress all of the year 2 children make this year.

This term our topic is ‘Toys’ and we will be looking at the history of toys, exploring a range of evidence to compare toys right back from the 1920s, through the Victorian age and right up to modern day. The children will be given the opportunity to look at and explore some historic toys as well as conduct their own research on the toys from different eras. In geography we will be exploring where we live, using maps to help us identify a range of different places from the local area.

We will be using the reading race again this year and it would be great if we could have all of Year 2 on the reading race, gaining certificates in assembly this year. If your child has read their book please encourage them to put it into the basket in the classroom so that I can make sure that they get a new one.

Spellings will be sent home on a Friday in your child’s reading diary and will show the spelling pattern/rule we have been learning that week. There will be a list of words but it would be great for you to explore the pattern/rule with your child and find other words that fit these rules. The children will NOT be tested on these words but will be encouraged to use these effectively within their writing.

Year 2 will be having PE on Wednesdays outside. Please make sure that your child comes to school in their PE kit (jogging bottoms or leggings, trainers and t-shirt) with a school jumper over the top.

In year 2 the children start to use TT Rockstars to support them with their times tables. All of the children have a log in that they have stuck into the back of their reading diaries please look at this with your children at home and encourage them to have a go at this.

Thank you for all of your support so far

Miss Hughes

Year 2Charlotte Hughes