Year 3 Learning Gallery 1

You have all been having fun playing in the snow this week. Here are some pictures of Eva and Seren-Grace enjoying the snow at home and some of the children having fun in school.


Eva and James have been using their reasoning skills in Maths this week. In R.E. James has drawn a picture of what he believes is the centre of the community - our school. Well done to you both.


Dillon, Gracie, Seren-Grace and Eva have been working hard with their English activities this week. Keep up the hard work!


Lily and Kasie have been busy baking and making salt-dough. Well done girls, your cakes look delicious.

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Dotty has been working hard with her Maths, R.E. and Computing home learning. Well done Dotty, keep up the hard work!

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Eden and Amelia have been making their own timelines in history. They have started with the Roman Empire and added other events, including when they were born. Well done girls.

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Lily, Seren-Grace and Eva have been working hard with their English home learning this week. As you can see from the pictures, the girls have been finding out about fronted adverbials, practising their spellings and writing their own ending to the first chapter of Romans on the Rampage. Well done girls.

Dillon, Eden and Amelia have designed reflective book bags in their science lessons. They have used bright (fluorescent) colours and retro-reflective strips to ensure they can be seen in the dark when light hits it. Well done to all three of you.

James has designed a reflective book-bag as part of his science home learning and created an identity shield in PSHE. Well done James, they are excellent.

Eva has been working hard on her English and Maths work. She has been using her detective skills to make inferences about a picture.

Amelia, Kasie and Seren-Grace have been working hard to use inverted commas when writing speech. Amelia and Kasie have been recording data in the form of pictograms and tally charts. Keep up the hard work girls!

Amelia and Kasie have been describing their worry monsters using expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. Well done girls!

Cian has been reading recipes and weighing out ingredients for the biscuits he has baked. They look delicious Cian!

Eden and Seren-Grace have been working hard on their PSHE, English and Maths remote learning. They have been using interesting adjectives, such as miserable and cheeky, to describe their worry monsters. Well done girls!