Year 4 Topic Home Learning-01.02.2021

Hope you are all safe and well. It was fantastic to see so many of you on the class zoom call. I really enjoyed listening and seeing some of the super work you have produced.

Here is this weeks Topic lessons. Please make sure you are engaging with these lessons as well English and Maths. Keep up the hard work Year 4. It will be worth it.

This week is Children's Mental Health Week. The theme this year is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good. In our blog this week, you will find some activities to support your mental health and wellbeing that allow you to express yourself. I hope you enjoy these activities - remember to send in any pictures so I can see what you have been doing and share them in our class gallery.

Monday- Science

This week we are going to look at the importance of sunglasses and why people wear them.

Here is a cheesy a video to introduce the learning.

Despite the video being very silly, it introduces some key ideas.

  • The sun emits UV rays. Too much exposure to these rays can damage the skin and your eyes.

  • Sunglasses have dark lens as it reduces the glare of the light. When the sun is too bright you normally struggle to see, however with sunglasses it reduces the brightness allowing you to see. By reducing the brightness it also makes it safer for your eyes.

Here is a informational video talking about the importance of the sunglasses and how they protect your eyes as well as your eye lids.

I would like your glasses to be polarised which means they do not allow dangerous UV rays to travel through them and damage your eyes.

Your task:

Can you design your own sunglasses?

When designing them consider the following:

Are the sunglasses going to have dark lenses to protect your eyes?

Are the sunglasses going to bend around your face to cover more area around your eyes?

Story Time

Tuesday- Wellbeing

Express yourself is about finding creative ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through things like art, writing, music, dance and doing things that make you feel good.

What you decide to do is up to you, feel free to be creative. However, here are some possible options.

How does being creative and expressing yourself make you feel?

I would like you to consider how it felt expressing yourself in a way which you enjoy doing. Whether that is through creating something, cooking, playing or whatever it may be. Consider how it makes you feel, and why do you think it is important that you have the chance to express yourself.

Story Time

Wednesday - PE

Here are this weeks PE challenges:

  • How many times in a minute can you bend down and touch your toes and then stand up and touch your head? Challenge someone.

  • Can you balance on one leg whilst catching a ball or a soft catchable object?

  • Can you go on a short walk with an adult from your household and take notice of the environment around you?


I would like you to click on the link below which will direct you to BBC Bitesize. On this website you will be able to read some key information, watch a video and look at what Roman Emperors invaded Britain.

How the Romans invaded Britain.

Task. In full sentences can you answer the following questions:

  • Can you find out the names of the three Roman Emperors that invaded Britain as well as the year in which they invaded?

  • Why did the Romans invade Britain? What were they after?

  • What did the Romans build in Britain?

Story Time


On Thursday 4th February at 11am, there will be a special lesson hosted by Leanne from Severn Trent Water. Please see Miss Goodson's blog for further details. I hope you can all join.


I would like you to watch the video on the Eatwell guide, and consider if you eat food from each section.

Once you have watched the video I would like you to create your own meal.

Not every meal needs to contain all of the food groups, because we cannot always have them on the same plate, but over the course of a day or a couple of days we should have eaten food from each section.

Can you draw and label the food on your plate, as well as then research what food group they will be apart of.

The food groups are:

Fruits, Vegetables, Proteins, Grains (carbohydrates), Dairy and water.

Story Time

Friday - Art

Two weeks ago, I asked you to create salt dough and have a practice at using the skills such as kneading, rolling and pinching.

Last week, you created a design for your Roman sculplture.

This week we are going to be using salt dough to attempt to create the design of your Roman scuplture.

Here is the video to remind you how we make salt dough.

Ingredients: water, salt and flour.

I would like to use the skills learnt two weeks ago to try and design your Roman sculpture. I am really looking forward to see how this turns out for you all. I am sure you will have lots of fun, as well as do your best in creating the sculpture. Good luck!

Story Time

Year 4Edward Worth