Year 2 Home Learning - WB 06.07.2020 and WB 13.07.2020

Hello to my amazing Year 2 class!

It has been so great to have 14 of you back in school over the last 2 weeks but sad that we do not have everybody in school. To those that are at home but will be attending the summer school, I am looking forward to seeing you there. To everybody else I look forward to seeing you around school in September!

The children that have been in school have been so busy over the last 2 weeks and would love to share what they have been up to. It would be great if you could have a go at some of the activities we have been doing whilst you are at home.

In phonics we have been looking at how to add the suffixes -ness and -ment to a range of root words.

Have a go at adding -ness to these root words.
fair nasty lovely kind fair happy
tidy weak damp dark great sick

Have a go at adding -ment to these root words
pay amuse advertise punish nourish amaze
agree invest employ engage develop manage

Use a dictionary to find out what these words mean and write definitions for them. Then have a go at writing sentences containing these words.

We have also been looking at the 3 different ways of spelling there, their and they’re. Can you have a go at writing sentences using these words correctly? Have a look in your reading book to see if you can find any sentence with them in.

In English we have been using the Talk for Writing unit - Rainbows (I have attached this below). We looked at what a rainbow is and read a piece of text about them. We answered questions before we read the text and afterwards to compare what we thought about rainbows and see what we had learnt. We talked about what a glossary was and used this to help us to understand what we were reading and used this to help us with the vocabulary challenge. We then looked at the features of a non-fiction text and found them in the text about rainbows as well as researching our own topic and comparing these (I have attached the text about Sharks that we used). We also had a go at answering questions about the Shark text. We then planned and created our own non-fiction reports about a topic of our choice. We read about why rainbows are important and then wrote about this ourselves. We have also had a go at reading some other different non-fiction texts and using the text to help us to answer questions.

In the afternoon English lessons we have been looking at the use of conjunctions. We have identified different conjunctions and then completed sentences, putting in the correct conjunctions to make the sentences make sense. We have also looked at the different types of sentences. I have attached a sheet that shows the differences and some activities to help you to practice identifying these. Have a go at creating your own sentences for each type of sentence.

Links for English Work

  1. Talk for Writing Unit - Rainbows

  2. Shark - Non-fiction text

  3. Mary Anning - 60 second read

  4. Fish reading comprehension

  5. Coordinating conjunctions examples

  6. Subordinating conjunctions examples

  7. Coordinating conjunctions - work

  8. Subordinating conjunctions - work

  9. Different sentence types guide

  10. Sentence types - work

In Maths we have been looking at measuring weight and temperature. We have had a go at using different type of scales - balance scales, weighing scales and electric scales - to weigh a range of different objects and compared the weight of each item. Can you research these different types of scales to see the difference? If you have scales at home, can you have a go at weighing different items from around the house and compare the weight of the different items. We then looked at images of items being weighed and had a go at writing down the weight that they showed. As a good finish to the first week we used our weighing skills to help us to bake cupcakes to take home. Maybe you could find a recipe at home and use this to practice your weighing skills? We then had a go at measuring the temperature in different places around school and played a game to match pictures of thermometers with the correct temperatures.

We have also been practicing our arithmetic skills by using some Maths mats and going onto TT Rockstars. Make sure to keep practicing your quick maths skills. I have attached some examples below to help you.

In our afternoon Maths lessons we have been focusing on position and direction. We have been describing the direction in which objects are moving, focusing on the language forwards, backwards, left and right, as well as describing the position of items in relation to us and other items. Have a go at describing movement yourself.

Links for Maths work

  1. Year 2 Maths mats

  2. Balancing equations

  3. Comparing Mass

  4. Measuring Mass (g)

  5. Measuring Mass (Kg)

  6. Temperature - game

  7. Temperature

  8. Recording Movement

  9. Describing Movement

  10. Describing Turns

  11. Drawing Turns

  12. Movement and Turns

  13. Patterns with shapes

Health and well-being

Be active - take time each day to complete some exercise. Maybe play some sport with another family member, have a little dance, complete a work out with Joe Wicks - we have been enjoying his Active 8 sessions from his Youtube channel.

Take Notice - go outside and use your senses to see what you can see, hear, smell and feel. Have a go at sitting and sketching what you can say, maybe have a go at doing this inside and outside and compare the differences.

Connect - Think about all of the different people that you are connected to and create a mind map to show this. Send a letter to someone that you have not seen over lock down, maybe a family member or a friend from school. Let them know what you have been up to and what you are looking forward to doing.

Keep learning - We have been learning sign language in school - take a look at the videos and attachments below and practice signing some greetings as well having a go at finger spelling your full name.

Give - Could you help out at home? Maybe you could complete some jobs at home for your parents to give them a break.

  1. Mindfulness colouring

Remember that I love to see all of your work on the showcase and it would be great if you could send examples of what you have been up to so the children in school can see what you have been up to. You could also send in a shout out or a joke for the school’s radio podcast.

If you would like to send me a message remember you can do this from the Year 2 page.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Miss Hughes