Year 3 Maths Home Learning 22.02.2021-26.02.2021

Good morning Year 3 and welcome back to another week of Maths home learning.

Zoom Meeting.

Before I begin to introduce this week’s learning, I would like to take a few minutes to talk to you about our Zoom meeting today. As you may be aware, Kasie is currently ill in hospital and we have been asked by her parents if we could send some video messages from her friends, in order to cheer her up. I am going to use this afternoon’s Zoom meeting as a chance for you to send her a get well soon message. We will record the meeting and send it via email to her parents, who can then show this to her. It is important that we have a parent or guardians' permission to include you in the video. If your parent is allowing you to attend the meeting, we can use this as permission for your message to be included. If you wish to, you could write something down before hand to read out during the meeting.

This week we will be continuing with our work, from before on half term, on measure. Remember to keep using TTRockstars at least 3 times a week. This only needs to be for 10-15 minutes. I will look at your scores on Friday to see how your are getting on. Keep up the hard work Year 3!

Here is our Maths Key Vocabulary Glossary for Year 3. This can also be found on our Class Page under the Maths Heading. The glossary will outline the key vocabulary we use in our year group as well as providing a definition and example for each.

Monday 22nd February:

Warm up - Can represent these numbers in different ways.

513 405 987 92 230 766

Measuring and comparing capacities in mixed units. Remember, once you have completed the online lesson to move onto the reasoning problem. Use because to help explain your answer.

Tuesday 23rd February:

What times do each of these clocks say? Can you write them as analogue and digital times.

Estimating capacity.

Remember, once you have completed the online lesson to move onto the reasoning problem. Use because to help explain your answer.

Wednesday 24th February:

Warm - up - Can you round these numbers up to the nearest 10?

713 269 510 665 824 98 459 201

Mass and capacity.

Now you have completed your online lesson, you can move onto today’s reasoning problem. Remember to use APE - Answer it Prove it Explain it.

Thursday 25th February:

Warm up - Can you use the inverse to check that these calculations are correct. Remember the inverse is using the opposite operation +/- x/÷

60÷5=12 32÷8=4 21÷3=7 110÷11=10 26÷12=2 48÷3=16 85÷17=5

Using bar models for addition and subtraction problems. Now you have completed your online lesson, you can move onto today’s reasoning problem. Remember to use APE - Answer it Prove it Explain it.

Friday 26th February:

Warm up -

Using doubling and halving to calculate efficiently.

Now you have completed your online lesson, you can move onto today’s reasoning problem. Remember to use APE - Answer it Prove it Explain it.


Our focus for this weeks lesson will be the 6 timestable. As before, we already know many of them as multiplication calculations are commutative (can be done in any order) so we can just turn them around.

We have, also, previously looked at the links between the 2, 4 and 8 timestables. We talked about how we can double the 2 timestable to find the 4s and double the 4s to find the 8s.

We can do the same with the 6s. We know that double 3=6 so I can double my 3 timestable to find the answer to the 6 timestable.

For example: 3x3=9 3x6=18 double 9=18.

I have included a short video to explain this further as we as a link to the BBC Supermovers for you to practise.

Once you have watched these you can have a go at these calculations:

2x3= 5x3 6x3 11x3= 9x3= 7x3= 12x3=

2x6= 5x6= 6x6= 11x6= 9x6= 7x6= 12x6=

Now have a go at these:

13x3= 17x3= 19x3= 15x3=

13x6= 17x6= 19x6= 15x6=

Year 3Michelle Dickerson