Year 4 Topic Home Learning- wc 08/02/2021

Keep up the brilliant work! It will all be worthwhile. It has been amazing to see the work you are producing and the effort you are putting in to keep learning. I would like to see some of the work you will produce this week, so please email me the work which you would like to share!

Monday - Science

Today, we are going to look at how shadows are formed. We are also going to learn about the 3 types of material which affect the light travelling.

Some objects, like card, block light well and don't let any get through.  These objects are called opaque.

Other things let some light through, but scatter the light so we can't see through them properly. These things are called translucent.

Transparent objects let light travel through them easily.

Below is a PowerPoint where I explain today’s lesson as well the task.

Story Time

Tuesday - RE

Today we are learning about one of the five pillars of Islam. The pillar which we are learning about is called ‘Salah’.

Salah is the pillar of prayer. Muslims prey five times throughout one entire day.

Muslims believe that praying five times a day is essential. Through prayer it allows them to interact with Allah (God) Here is a video which shows the prayer routine.

Task: I would like you to consider how your life would change if you had to pray five times a day. Consider it how it would change your day to day life.

Can you write a short paragraph explaining if you believe it would alter the way you live your life or not?

Story Time

Wednesday - PE

Here are this weeks PE challenges:

1. Can you complete 10 press ups?

2. Can you complete a press up then a star jump straight after? If so, how many of these can you complete in one minute?

3. Can you go on a short walk with an adult from your household. See if you can spot any animal life? e.g birds


Can I listen to a piece of music and say how it makes me feel?

Write down the emotions you feel when you listen to each of the following songs:

Think of the emotions you may feel when listening to them.

Try to avoid these words: Happy and sad. Use your vocabulary!

Briefly describe how you feel. Why might this be?

Story Time

Thursday - PSHE

For the last few weeks, we have been looking at what makes a balanced diet and a healthy meal.

This week, with the help of an adult, I would like you to help out prepare food, cook or make your own meal. Consider the food groups, however not every meal needs all of the food groups in. It is up to you, on what you decide to create.

Please send me the images of the delicious food which you help cook, create or prepare.

Story Time

Friday - Art

Last week you created your salt dough Roman Sculpture. It was super to see some of your amazing sculptures. Everyone who shared their work did fantastic!

This week, I would like you to look at what you created last week and consider how you could have improved.

Think about answering these questions:

  • What do you like about your sculpture?

  • If you was to do it again, what would you do differently?

  • Which part of your sculpture do you think went well?

  • Did you use the skills of rolling, kneading and pinching the salt dough?

When you have reflected and evaluated on your sculpture. You have the opportunity to repeat to improve the salt dough sculpture by re-doing it or if possible you could paint over your existing salt dough model.

It would be great to see some of your reflections, or new sculptures, or painted sculptures.

Story Time

Year 4Michelle Dickerson