Reception remote learning 12th and 13th October 2021

For those of you who are learning from home here are a few activities to keep you busy over the next couple of days.


  • Practise all the letter sounds that have been stuck into your reading diary. Practise saying the sound and writing it down.

  • Can you make a collection of things that begin with the letter sounds we have been learning? (s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d,g,o,c,k,e,u,r,h) You could also make a poster and stick pictures on or you could draw them yourself.

  • Practise reading the words that have been sent home in your reading diary. Don’t forget to sound out each letter then blend them together to read the whole word.

  • Log onto myon and choose a story to be read to you.


  • Make different representations of numbers up to 5. For example you could show 1 conker, 2 leaves, 3 stones, 4 acorns, 5 sticks. You could practise writing your numbers and drawing objects to match the number.

  • Roll a die and count out the correct number of objects. You could draw a tree and count out objects onto it. (Anything you have at home such as conkers, pasta shapes, buttons etc) You could find out how many altogether in two groups.

Press the link for the Maths Lesson.

leaf art.jpg


  • Collect some Autumn leaves from the garden and make an Autumn collage.

  • Use Autumn coloured wax crayons (Red, yellow, brown or orange) to rub over the leaves to make leaf rubbings.

  • Use leaves and create leaf animals.

  • Use any lego or other construction sets to build a home for an Autumn animal such as a hedgehog.

  • Paint or draw an Autumn picture, maybe add a squirrel or a hedgehog.


It should be our PE day on Tuesday, so it would be really good if you could join in with a Joe Wicks workout or try one of the brain gym dances from our Reception home page. (Click on the link for Brain gym then scroll down and click on one of the songs. The children should be familiar with chu chu wa, chocolate and the witch doctor songs)

ReceptionAlison Hulland