Year 1 Remote Learning 12.10.21 and 13.10.21

Good morning Year 1, we are missing seeing your smiles in class and are looking forward to when we can all be together again soon. Here is your remote learning for the next two days.


In phonics we have been learning the new graphemes ay (tray) oy (boy) ea (beach) and ou (cloud). I would like to to make a list of words that have these in them. How many can you make? Where does the grapheme appear in each of the words? Can you spot any of these graphemes in books that you are reading at home.

We have also been learning the tricky words some, come, like, here, there, have and said. Can you practice writing these, maybe you could use different coloured pens for each letter and create a rainbow word.


Continue to read your book at home, remember to sound out the words you are unsure of blend them back together.

Can you answer the following questions about the book you have read?

1) What characters were in your book?

2) Describe the main character in the story.

3) What was your favourite part of the story? Why was it your favourite?

If your book was a non-fiction, maybe you could pick a book from home to share and then answer the questions.

You can also log into Myon for more books for you to share at home.

Hundred Decker Bus story map.jpg


In our English lessons we have been reading the Hundred Decker Bus. We retold the story using actions and then drew our own story map, remembering to keep the correct sequence. I have included a picture of the class story map and a video of the story to remind you. Can you retell the story to someone in your house? Once you have done that, I would like you to write a sentence to match the pictures. Remember that you need to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Here is my example: As usual the bus driver clambered onto his bus.


In Maths we have been learning about addition and subtraction within 10. Follow the links below for the lesson.

Recognising the relationship between addition and subtraction.

Exploring problems involving addition and subtraction.


In our history lessons we have been learning about transport from the past and how it has changed our lives. Follow the links for the lessons.

How has transport changed over time, lesson 1.

How has transport changed over time, lesson 2


In PSHE we have been learning about following rules, taking turns and sharing. One of the ways we did this was by playing a board game with our friends in class. I would like you to take the opportunity to play a game with someone in your house. Remember, it is important to follow the rules of the game and take turns with the person/people you are playing with.


It would be really good if you could keep active whilst you are off. Follow the link below to find some ideas to keep you busy.

Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Mrs Dickerson

Year 1Michelle Dickerson